Monday, 1 April 2013

Galaxy Note N7000 : Android 4.2.2 CarbonRom

CarbonRom is an aftermarket firmware based on the Android Open Source Project.


  • Android 4.2.2
  • PIE
  • Xposed Framework (May cause stability or performance issues - use at your own risk!)
  • Comprehensive speed enhancements, including Linaro -O3 and processor-specific optimizations
  • Unofficial Voodoo Sound support on Note 2 and i9300 devices.
  • Option to hide lockscreen hints
  • Carousel lockscreen
  • Customizable lockscreen buttons and sliders
  • Chronus clock widget
  • Customizable hardware and software keys
  • Transparent navbar and status bar
  • Customizable navbar ring
  • Navbar arrow keys
  • Navigation bar widgets
  • Customizable power menu
  • Notification power widget
  • Notification brightness adjustment
  • Customizable quicksettings panel
  • Statusbar mods including center clock and color
  • LCD Density
  • Theme engine
  • Quiet hours
  • Volume rocker music controls
  • Full Rotation
  • Customizable battery and notification light
Installation :
1. Download CarbonROM - Here
2. Download Gapps for 4.2.2 - Here
3. Download Official CM 10.1 Kernel N8 Mali 20130327 - Here
4. Copy all downloaded files into extSDcard.
5. Boot phone into Recovery Mode.
6. Install  Official CM 10.1 Kernel N8 Mali 20130327.
7. Reboot recovery. (Under advance menu)
8. Make a full wipe (factory/cache/dalvik)
9. Install CarbonROM
10. Install Gapps
11. Reboot system.
12. Done.


Note :
Sygic and Papago M9 not compatible with this rom. Only Papago M11.

Read more about CarbonRom - Here / Here


  1. Assalamualaikum tuan. Samsung S3 ada yg compatible tak dgn Pie ni. Mohon bantuan link.

  2. boleh cuba cari kat sini.

  3. As salam,makan bateri x rom nie?

  4. Hi, nak recording ada masalah tak dgn ROM ni?
