Tuesday, 25 December 2012

GNote N7000 ROM : AmniX-Xperia Note GT-N7000(build_1)

Some screenshots from AmniX ROM. Xperia look alike.
Will update the tutorial soon. Testing the ROM.
Xperia Launcher - Fast with cool animation
Xperia Album
Based on XXLSC Dump
Xperia Album
Storopia Font
Weather widget with cool animation
Apps Drawer
Xperia Photo Editor 
Home Screen with Xperia Launcher
Xperia Launcher 1.3.2

Monday, 24 December 2012

GNote N7000 ROM - Ultimate XXLSC v5.1

How to :
1. Download Ultimate XXLSC v5.1 Here or Here or Here
2. Copy ROM file to ext SD Card.
3. Reboot into Recovery Mode
4. Make Full wipe. (Data/cache/dalvik). - only with safe kernel.
5. Install ROM.
6. Reboot.  

Personal reviews :
#more stable n smooth than v5.
#good battery life ~20hrs plus over 3G/H+.
#no FC at all.

-Fully ReBuild from XXLSC DUMP
-ROM Based on NEW leaked XXLSC Firmware
-NEW Philz Safe Kernel 3.73 for XXLSC and New CWM Touch with exFAT Support
-Updates Over The Air – OTA UpdateMe added on Settings

Sunday, 25 November 2012

GNote N7000 ROM - Ultimate XXLSA v5.

1. Download Ultimate XXLSA v5 here or here or here
2. Copy ROM file to ext SD Card.
3. Reboot into Recovery Mode
4. Make Full wipe. (Data/cache/dalvik). - only with safe kernel.
5. Install ROM.
6. Reboot.

What's new?
1. Information ticker on lockscreen. Now u can read your facebook/news feed without unlock your phone.
2. Page buddy.

-Multiview hack (unlimited apps)
-Snote running
-Splanner widget fix.
-Notification panel adjustment.

P/s : if you having a problem with multiview. Just download fix file from OTA updates.

Information ticker on lockscreen

Read more another awesome work from joosh3 here

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Galaxy Note N7000 - [Airview on Gallery][XXLS7]

How to :
1. Download THIS file.
2. Copy to your EXT SDcard.
3. Reboot Recovery (Vol up+Home+Power)
4. Flash .zip file.
5. Wipe cache.
6. Wipe dalvik.
7. Reboot system.
8. Done!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Transparent Multiview Menu bar.

1. Download Here
2. Flash via recovery

If you having trouble, try this :
1. Download Titanium Backup PRO and install.
2. Open Titanium Backup
3. Find com.sec.android.app.FlashBarService
4. Touch it once and Wipe Data.
5. Reboot your phone

Should working now.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

GNote N7000 ROM - Ultimate v4 XXLS7

Ultimate N7000 XXLS7 JellyBean 4.1.2 v4

This ROM based on NEW leaked XXLS7.
NEW Philz Safe Kernel 3.1 for XXLS7 and CWM Touch
NEW Modem XXLS3 (better reception!)
Updates Over The Air - OTA UpdateMe added (cool one!)
Multiwindow Hack for UNLIMITED apps (cool one!)

How to :
1. Download ROM file Here or Here
2. Copy to your Ext. SD
3. Full wipe with safe kernel only. (Data/cache/dalvik)
4. If you want clean installation, go to mount and storage.
    - format cache/system/data/preload/emmc
(just skip step 4 if you dont want to clear up your device.)
5. Install ROM file. (install zip)
6. First boot may up to 5min. just wait.

All works. S-Note, AirView and Multiview. Tested by myself.

S-Planner widget fix - Here (flash via recovery)

Some screenshots.

 Camera & Dropbox

 Whatsapp & Facebook

 Friendcaster PRO & Instagram

 Maps & Music Player

 My Files & My Solat

 S-Note & S-Planner

 Ultimate N7000 XXLS7 JellyBean 4.1.2 v4

OTA Update me

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Galaxy Note N7000 - How to fix AirView

How to :
1. Download AirView_permissions.zip here
2. Extract. There's only one file inside the folder - com.sec.feature.hovering_ui.xml
3. Copy .xml to SDcard.
4. Install Root Browser Lite from Play Store or Root Explorer (recommended) - download here

Root Browser Lite / Root Explorer

5. Open Root Browser. locate the file and COPY com.sec.feature.hovering_ui.xml

6. Navigate to system/etc/permissions

8. Press and hold com.sec.feature.hovering_ui.xml
9. Set the permissions to RW- R-- R--
10. Restart your phone.
11. Reboot into Recovery Mode
12. Wipe Cache and Dalvik Only!
13. Reboot system.

What is AirView?

Saturday, 10 November 2012

How To : GNote N7000[JB][ROM] AllianceROM JB XXLS7 4.1.2

 Multiview from GNote II

 Multiview from GNote II

 AllianceROM JB XXLS7 4.1.2

 Home Screen

 Home Screen with Multiview Menubar

 Landscape Mode with Multiview

 S-Planner widget - Smooth (Sync with FB events and birthday)

 More Landscape view

Notification Area

This ROM very stable, fast, smooth, no FC, ALL WORKS!

Coming from Rooted ICS/JB ROM

How to make clean installation :
1. Download AllianceROM JB XXLS7 4.1.2 here
2. Copy to your SDcard.
3. Boot into Recovery Mode (Vol Up+Home+Power)
4. Full Wipe (Data/cache/dalvik) with SAFE KERNEL ONLY!
5. Go to Mounts and storage :
    a. Format /cache
    b. Format /system
    c. Format /data
    d. Format /preload
    e. Format /emmc
6. Install ROM file.
7. Reboot
8. Done

p/s : First boot may take 5-10min. just be patience.

Coming from a non ICS ROM (GB) or AOSP ROM - get to a rooted stock ICS ROM first 

GNote N7000 [ROM][JB] Bangsti' ROM XXLS7 4.1.2 with multiview

Now with multiview. =)

will update tutorial soon.. testing this rom.